The callback url is not set in the web. It should be placed when you initiate the SinaWeibo instance. It is provided 2 init method and they are:
-(id) initWithAppKey:(NSString*)_appKey
appSecret:(NSString *)_appSecrect
appRedirectURI:(NSString *) _appRedirectURI
- (id)initWithAppKey:(NSString *)_appKey
appSecret:(NSString *)_appSecrect
appRedirectURI:(NSString *) _appRedirectURI
ssoCallbackScheme:(NSString *)_ssoCallbackScheme
We should use the latter one and put the callback Uri as ssoCallbackScheme, then everything will be work fine.
What should I put in the callback Uri?
回覆刪除The Custom Uri Seheme you defined in the info.plist for luanching your app.
this link may help